Friday, October 5, 2007

How Ironic, Ironic Chef #13

Ironic Chef #13 From The Mind Of Putrid

Earlier this week Putrid was provided a few road kill possums and to really gross everyone out I would imagine that a road kill recipe would be in order. A suggestion of the use of a few turtles even seemed like a good idea and the sicker the ideas the more Putrid likes. So seeing as this is The Ironic Chef #13 Putrid would like to suggest that if you have a week stomach, please do not go any farther.

Last warning!

Ok really last warning!

You were warned.... If you are going no further stay tuned for Ironic Chef #14, Halloween goodies.

For those that really had to just see how sick the mind can be.........

Bloated Festered Possum

First off a cauldron is needed so run over to Vero's blog and swipe hers. If your gonna make two batches of this recipe take a trip over to Brat's blog and grab hers too. Leave her a pinch just because.

The bloated festered possum must be very ripe. The ripeness can be verified by hanging a festering possum by the tail with a piece of twine and when the carcass falls free from the tail the fermentation process is complete. If the bloating process cannot be performed due to damage of carcass the use a needle and thread may be in order.


1 bloated festering possum at optimum ripeness (See note above)

4 heads of skunk cabbage

5 lbs of the most rotten potatoes, I'm talking ooze and puss seeping out of them potatoes.

What ever that green stuff is under the drawers in the fridge that has to be scraped off.

Season to taste with extra maggots as needed.


Heat the cauldron over a medium fire, add the skunk cabbage stirring so that its juices are released. Gently add the fermented festered Possum. Gently is the key for you do not want any of the gasses to be released until it is in the cabbage gravy. Taste for seasoning and season if needed. If the possum had fermented a bit to long an explosion might occur. If this happens a scavenger hunt may be in order to get it all back into the cauldron.

Simmer possum for several minutes. This is a delicacy and you don't want to ruin it by cooking off the good flavors.

Add the rest of the ingredients, stir season and serve.
To serve the possum must be removed from the gravy and hacked into serving sized portions. The innards and especially the intestines must be divided equally for all to enjoy. I like to serve the Bloated Festered Possum over Minute Rice.

As far as turtles go, Putrid just likes to suck them off the half shell like a luggie.

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