Monday, October 15, 2007

Putrids Don't Bounce

Lol, what a title.

At work today we were setting the stones on the top of our rails on the courtyard of the coliseum that we are building. There was one stone that we set in place that I didn't have a scaffold set up for so I set a ladder up and set the outside of the stone off that into a bed of mud. The mud was still a little to wet to strike a joint so we decided we would take a coffee break.( And would you believe someone dropped me off some witches warts to snack on too)

After break I grabbed my trowels and back up the ladder I went. I reached out to strike the joint and all of a sudden my ladder was going in another direction. I was only about 12' in the air and kinda pushed off the top of the ladder the way someone would push off a diving board to do a back flip hoping to get myself clear of the ladder before I hit the ground. Stupid me never payed any thought to think of where me flying backwards carcass might hit something. I came to a sudden stop when I hit another wall with a sharp corner and seemed to in slow motion just slide down the stuccoed wall. I must have hit at a good angle because I have a nice slash in my back that starts at my right shoulder and ends right dead center of my tail bone. From what I can see in the mirror it looks like I have a real nice pop from a bull whip on my back.It should leave a real nice scar. good thing I'm not a bleeder. I have a bit of butt crease in the back of my skull where I clunked the corner too. I'm kind of disappointed for I have always been proud of my hard hardheadedness but for some reason I did not dent the stucco in the slightest. I would have felt much better if I had.

How was your day? Lol.

The picture shows the courtyard and the stone rails that we have installed the past 2 days. The steps that we poured are a white concrete to match the rails. At the top of the steps you will see an arch designed. At the bottom of the arch is where the fountain is.The pool has already been built for the fountain but seeing as how I was down hill when taking this shot it can't be seen. Sorry.

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