Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Online Buddies

This relationship type is great for, say, keeping up to date with someone who posts interesting content, but may not be someone you know well enough to accept into your network.

So if you have someone that you'd like to share with, but don't quite want to entrust with the immense responsibility of also connecting with the people you know, the Online Buddy relationship is there for you!

I would like to think that these past couple of years chatting and blog sharing and having a good time with everyone would have made us friends. The small part that I posted above from the Online Buddies page is really making me wonder what happend to that friendship. But I guess that if  the request for changing my friendship to Buddy Status is requested I will honor that individuals request out of respect for that person.


  1. LOL...if that is directed at me, Mac...I did that cause I thought that was what everybody was doing...Sigh...now I guess I need to change everyone back...

  2. Crappers...as soon as I remember where I go to do that. :|

  3. There...done...am I forgiven? ;;)

  4. Mac this is not done to make you any more special of a friend than you are. But the word is that if you make a friend an online buddy then that is a source of security for us. Here is what I got the other day so I did change my friends to online budidies. (I had a ton of contacts showing up on my site that I am not connected with....this might help.) In my books you are still the best friend anyone could have.

  5. Yeah...what Judy said...Hugs, Mac...I, too, think you are pretty darn special...

  6. well when you look at your my multiply list you will see a bunch of people listed who are not your contacts but friends of friends lol I really don't need mail from all of them so I set my filter to stop this. I only want my online buddies/friends to be on my list. It will cut down on the mail you get.

  7. I can understand that, I go into My Multiply , that custom thingy where ever that is, lol. I have my setting there just so I can see my close contacts blogs. I don't want to see everyone in multiplies comments or blogs either.
    Suzi, I am sorry, that wasn't directed at you. I am getting hit by practically every one in my E-mail account. Wish this place was more like yahoo with messages. I miss several features from 360.

  8. :O :O :O I can't believe I have to change everything back now! :(( :(( :((

  9. Sigh...if everyone gets mad at me, I'm gonna blame it on you.. :P

  10. So....do I need to change everyone over to Online Buddy???

  11. Finally Mac understands that all us good looking women aren't casting him away...lmao

  12. Coz when you're our buddy, that means we don't have to deal with your friends HA HA HA... Just kidding, a lot of us have the same friends but we all have a few extras in the pot so just coz someone is one of my buds, don't mean you want him/her cluttering up your view. grins n hugzzz

  13. I found you , I found you, nananananananana hahahahah word travels fast..

  14. (Mumbling under breath)...I am not changing Suzi over to an online buddy again for the third time... next time I am gonna count her as an in-law or something else,lol...(jk Suzi!)lol

  15. I haven't read up on the relationship status and how they work or don't work per networking. Maybe I should spend some time reading up on it just so I can be better informed. However, I love everybody, but not everybody loves me, so...I try not to make too much of a fuss when someone new enters the network of people who are on my friends list. In short, having a lot of friends is great, but the reality, for me, is I may not have time to keep up with everybody and I don't want anyone's feelings hurt by it.

  16. Yup, agrees with Vic, Suzi should be everyones INLAW. Where is that setting? Lol, how many options do they have? Wonders if there is a setting for good in-laws, bad in-laws, Ex in-laws, maybe even dreaded in-laws?

  17. I didn't know that setting made a difference.....gosh, hope I wasnt being rudeeeeeee
