Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Few Quick Dinners

I am sure we have all had to many of "one of those days" and just don't feel like cooking when we get home.  Fast food is becoming the way of life for many American families. When I was a kid I loved getting a fast food burger because it was really something special. The days when McDonalds didn't have the billions and billions served sign. Today I can't stand fast food burgers. They are so boring. I like Chinese take out but again, it gets very boring too. Fried chicken and pizza and Taco Bell, same thing. I wait for a new item to come out and of course try to make my own version of it and it is enjoyed more because the products I use to make it are of a better quality.

McDonalds has come out with what I guess they call a chicken snack wrap. My 15 year old daughter, God Bless her, decided that she wanted to take the lead on this one. So the items on the shopping list was a bag of Tyson crispy Chicken Tenders. They have to be the Crispy tenders because Tysons regular chicken tenders are like chicken nuggets.  Whole wheat soft tortillas, iceburg lettuce, one onion and a bottle of a good Ranch or creamy Italian salad dressing and a Cheddar or jck cheese shredded.

To make the Chicken snack wrappers, deep fry atleast 2 chicken tenders for each wrap that you want to make. Slice one slice of onion per wrap and dice. Shred about 3/4 cups of lettuce for each wrap. Add onion and lettuce in a bowl and add enough salad dressing to taste and mix well. We like to soften our tortillas by opening the plastic wrapper and then nuking the whole package for about a minute. (10" wrappers by the way). Lay each wrapper flat and place the salad mixture in the centers, devide evenly. Lay the chicken tenders over the salad mixture.  Place some Shredded Cheddar or Jack cheese over the top and fold wrap by first folding up bottom edge and then rolling from one side to close. Total time for a meal is about 20 minutes tops.

My quick meal is to get two packages of Lipton Sour Cream and Chive mashed potatoes and prepare them using the directions on the box. Bake or deep fry about 40 pieces of Tyson Popcorn Chicken.  Nuking about 1 1/2 cups of corn and heating up a jar of Hienz chicken gravy. Lol, fun part,  Place a serving of Mashed potaoes in a bowl, dump on a serving of corn, place a handful of Popcorn chicken over the corn, add gravy over the top. This chicken bowl which is a KFC meal gets shredded cheddar cheese over it. My kids like the cheese but I don't really like cheese in my gravy.  Total meal takes at most, 20 minutes to prepare.The more you nuke the less cleanup later. Makes 5 good servings.

I am not a very big fan of instant potatoes but I have found that the Instant Sour Cream And Chive Mix isvery good. 

Well thats enough cooking for tonight. When this gets boring I hope someone yells stop or enough.

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