Thursday, September 28, 2006

Scary Story, Booohahaha

About 20 years ago I was driving home from work one night after working a 12 hour day. The ride took me through farm country where several farmers had grown pumpkin patches just for that time of year. Of course the time of year was around late October just before Halloween. Well these pumpkin patches were grown so that farmers could make a little extra money by providing haunted hay rides and allow pumpkins to be picked during a brief break of seeing all the scary haunted stuff.

So there I was driving. The air was crisp and cool and I of course had my truck window down enjoying the ride. I came up behind a tractor pulling a wagon with hay bales on it and I could make out that there was what seemed to be people sitting on the hay bales, so I naturally assumed that this was a haunted hay ride. The tractor must have been doing about 5 miles an hour and me as usual, wanting to get home instead of putzing along, started to pass on the left. 

As I started to pass the Wagon I did a double take. It looked to me that the folks on the back were celebrating Halloween a little early. I chuckled to myself  over how corny their costumes were. I would have thought that grown adults would do just a little more than dress up like zombies. Seemed to me at the time that as Kids we would throw on some old cloths, mess up our hair and walk like the living dead for a quick trick or treat costume.

I felt a thump as one of the passengers jumped from the wagon to the bed of my pickup. Then a thump, thump thump as more made the leap. An arm shot through my open window and hooked around my neck. The arm was cold and clammy and smelled of a putrid smell of rotting road kill. I yanked free from the grip with the hand I wasn't holding the wheel with and slammed on the brakes. I heard the thumps and then watched as the bodies went flying over my windshield and over the hood. I saw the face of one as the body slid down.

I reached for my tool belt on the passenger side floor and grabbed my hammer and jumped out my door ready to clobber the first sucker that came near me and clobber I did. No sooner did my feet hit the ground,  I again was grabbed. My hammer was ready and held high and came down with a sickening thud as if in slow motion. I was expecting to be showered with blood but instead got maggots. Shocked I stepped backwards to jump back into the truck and get the heck outta there but that wasn't happening. Atleast a dozen hands seemed to come out of the darkness and grabbed me. I fought until exhaustion overtook me and the last I remember from that night was being dragged to the ground.

Now every year from about early October until Halloween I am one of them. I have my seat on the wagon and am waiting for someone in a hurry to get home, drives by laughing at my silly Costume. Yes, I am "Putrid Rotted Maggot Infestation" and I am after my "Trick or Treats"

Story By Mac

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