Friday, September 22, 2006

Deep Dish Lasagna Pizza

I did the Pepperoni Lasagna blog and now am craving lasagna. So many of my friends have said that they are going to make lasagna too.  Leave it to me to have to want to try something new.

I have been seeing an advertisement on the TV from Pizza Hut showing off a lasagna topping pizza. Hmmmmm. Sounds interesting to me. But sorry to say I am not a Pizza Hut fan. I love pizza but prefer them to be made traditionally. If I want a premade crust I will go get a frozen pizza and just bake it myself. I love making my own doughs, bread, pizza, sour dough, pasta, pretzels, bagles ect.

I visited the City of Chicago a few years back for a Carpenters Convention. Of course that meant alot of eating out and tasting the native cuisine. The one item that my family had that stands out most vividly was the Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. This style of pizza was actually a two layer pizza that was baked like a pie. A layer of pizza dough and toppings with another layer of dough over that one topped with sauce and cheese. HmmmmImage, don't the layers sound familiar. "Insert Macs idea light bulb here." Why not make a Deep Dish style lasagna pizza?

So my goal for dinner tonight will to develope a deep dish lasagna pizza. I of course will use pepperoniImage sausage and a ricotta, mozzerella and parmesan with egg mixture for the filling. The top layer will just be sauce, mozzerella, and of course, more pepperoniImage. If my expieriments work well I think I will have some bragging rights on this one.

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