Friday, September 8, 2006

My First Cooking Blog

As some of my friends know I love to cook so I figured I would finally do a blog  concerning cooking.

One thing I really like is pepperoni.Because I love to cook with it certain people have given me the nick name Chef Boy R Dee. I laugh at that name for the reason that I have tasted some of that stuff out of a can and find it horrible.

Growing up my family was hooked on pepperoni. We didn't eat it on crackers with cheese though. We actually cooked it in our tomato sauces to serve over pasta. We had hot sammiches that was like a hot sub that consisted of a couple cans of stewed tomatoes in a crock pot and then as much pepperoni you could fit into the pot to fill it. Slow cooked it all day and the pepperoni would absorb all of the juice of the tomatoes. This would be served on a torpedo style roll with Mozerella cheese or parmesan cheese. You may think this strange but this hot sammich actually became very famous in my home town and one could get one in any bar and grill.

Lasagna, I don't know how anyone could eat a lasagna without pepperoni in it. The spicyness of the pepperoni gives the lasagna that BAM that that cooking show nut always adds to his food. The same goes for a baked Zitti or even served in any pasta sauce. If one gets a good quality pepperoni like Hormel the fat content isn't as high as most. The grease from the pepperoni prevents the pasta from sticking but I am sure it's not as healthy as olive oil.

I am sure almost everybody that eats pizza has tried a pepperoni pizza atleast once. Most enjoy it. That is one of the reasons why I do not understand why pepperoni isn't used in more dishes.  I make a pepperoni Stromboli which is a bread or pizza dough rolled out, layer pepperoni and mozerella cheese on it and roll it up jelly roll style and bake it. Everyone that I have had try this Stromboli loves it. Another simple item that I make is to wrap pepperoni and cheese in egg roll wrappers and deep fry them. I think a Chinese person would faint if they ever had one but these hors devours are excellent party snacks with a little tomato dipping sauce.

I must say that with pepperoni I have always prefered the stick form when buying it. The pre sliced stuff is always to thin and for some reason the pre packed pre sliced just doesn't have the same flavor or kick to it. I have been told  that pepperoni is un healthy due to the fat in it and concerns regarding heart burn. If one doesn't like the fat then all they have to do is boil it for a few minutes and much of the fat cooks out and then the pepperoni can be used in whatever recipe that one would want to use it in.

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