Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Stench Of "Putrid"

The Stench Of “Putrid”



       It seems that the stories that have been circulating about Putrid Maggot Infestation always seem to get around to what most will describe to be such a God awful foul stench that Putrid leaves in his wake.  One of rotting flesh and of course that leads to the maggot infestation can only be described as putrid.  20 years of rotting and not bathing tends to produce noxious gasses that tend to overwhelm even the bravest of noses.

       Surely the victims of Putrid are truly the ones that have suffered the most from these noxious fumes. The odors that are omitted from Putrid force every tiny bit of fresh air out of ones body. As the noxious vapors weaken a victim their skin slowly starts to turn a pale green color. The strength within a victim slowly weakens until there are no more defenses.  The victim’s body slowly deteriorates from the inside out. 

       Rumors have it that the National Defense Agency has been working on a vaccine after several high Officials were alleged to have been victims of Putrid. The foul stench left at the scenes of the missing Officials was analyzed and had been determined the foulest smell known to mankind. The government to work on this project has called in several major cosmetic manufacturers to consult on the vaccine. To date the studies and research have seemed futile but annalists have speculated that future research looks very promising.

      For now the only defense that can be advised to protect one from Putrid is to be aware and alert for the stench. If a foul stench is smelled then take precautionary measures. If the stench is detected take measures to get out of the vicinity of the odor.  Once safe and the air is clean take deep even breaths of air to help remove any damaging affects and seek medical assistance immediately. A strong regiment of antibiotics at this time has been determined the only affective treatment of long-term affects.

       Putrid and his stench are out there. Beware and take heed of the warnings and advisories concerning this matter.



Tales From Booohaha









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