Friday, September 29, 2006

Part 2 Of Scary Story (Tales From Booohahaha)

                              Putrid Returns





       Just another cool crisp night, normal for mid fall in the northeast. There was a little dampness in the air and the leaves were turning magnificent colors.  The night had an eerie feeling to it only understood by the locals of this quiet New Jersey suburb.  The locals knew That Putrid was out there.

       Stories of fear were passed through the mouths of the locals to the ears of anyone that was interested in the tales of their local legend.  Some locals have said that one creature of their tales has been wandering the darkness for almost 20 years in search of Tricks Or Treats of the morbid kind and prowled in the evenings darkness to reap it’s ghastly rewards.

       Every October a creature that has been named Putrid Maggot Infestation has been seen with others of its kind traveling the farm roads riding in  hay wagons in search of treats. The treats they are in search of are of some unsuspecting traveler unaware of the dangers that they are in.

       Putrid is the leader. No one knows why but it seems that all of the creatures have accepted this. Much speculation over this has led many to believe that Putrid’s lack of mercy may be the reason for the leadership. Speculation is just that, speculation.

       In the world of the creatures the rules of survival are different than those of the civilized world.  Before Putrid’s time there was no order. Each creature just had the herd mentality. Where the other creatures went it went. What the other creature did, it did. There was no reason for it or their actions it was just what the creatures did. It was their purpose for existence.  The only purpose the creatures had was to attack the unexpecting.  To feed on the victims brains and to build their numbers. Each of the creatures had once been a victim.

Each of the creatures transforms back into its human form after the last full moon of October and during the day light hours. None have any memory of their ghastly transformation or of their  ghoulish deads done under cover of the darkness of night..   Each year the creatures all come together and cause havoc and another story for the locals to tell.


Putrid has been signaled out for most of these stories for this creature is known due to its recognizable features.  The features that stands out in most stories is the Maggots that spill out of the gaping holes in Putrid’s flesh, the smell that Putrid omits is that of fermenting road kill and the hammer that Putrid always wields to attack the victims or the other creatures that attempt to get in the way.


So this night, The locals will not venture out  now.  Beware, for if a car doesn’t come down the country roads of this suburban town then Putrid will start looking to feed elsewhere. Putrid has learned of the Internet. If you hear the tapping of a hammer on your computer screen and a foul smell starts to invade your lungs, you are in trouble. You can run but you cannot hide. Once Putrid smells your scent you are doomed.  The Hay wagon will arrive and a seat on it will be reserved for you.



Mac lll





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