Friday, September 29, 2006

Putrid's First Victim Of 2006

Putrid’s First Strike



Evening has settled and now Putrid must hunt for a victim. The roads are empty this evening so the Internet shall be the hunting grounds tonight.

Someone out there has drawn attention to herself. A Witch to Putrid’s understanding that has made herself a designer of others Halloween costumes and has a head of beautiful serpant hair.. Putrid has sensed mockery from this Witch and her offensive gas mask remarks.  Yes, tonight Putrid will go “Trick Or Treating”.

Putrid knows that this Witch likes to make week end get a ways but senses that this week end the pray may be at home and sitting in front of her new computer. Her broom stick will not provide her with a getaway for her man will be out for a joy ride on it chasing Arkansas critters into the highways, his means of shopping for fast food.


Putrid arrived behind the Witch’s computer screen without being detected and the Witch could hear the tapping of the hammer but forgot the earlier stories that she had heard of Putrid. Chains,yea, right.  As the foul odor began wafting into her world she started gagging and gasping for breath. Where was her gas mask? She had been warned but she obviously had been laughing. Yes, this was the victim for Putrid. Putrid reached out of the computer screen as the Witch had her head down gasping for air. The witch felt the cold clammy grip that Putrid had place upon her but it was to late. No matter how hard she struggled she could not escape. Slowly the witch tired from her struggle and was slowly pulled into Putrid’s world. Putrid left a little pile of maggots in the Witch’s Computer chair so that others would know that he was there and to give credence to the stories about himself.

Now Putrid has had his “Treat” and someone else to ride upon the hay wagon with him on the cool dark fall evenings looking for more “Trick Or Treats”.  There are plenty of empty hay bales on the wagon that need passengers.


Who shall be next? Eyes the One Hiding Behind The Curtain In Odd Image





Tales From Booohaha


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