Saturday, September 9, 2006

Cooking Sunday Breakfast

As things go here in our happy (lol) home, if I am home I cook. Sunday breakfast is a tradition here and I really enjoy making it.Being someone from the North East but having a mother from West Virginia the southern breakfast has always been an influence on what I usually prepare for the family. Biscut with sausage gravy is a must. Most of the people I know here in the North East have never sat down to a breakfast with something called sausage gravy and most of the biscuts made are from that can you would pop open or from good old Bisquik.

I met Vero online and she taught me how to make her style  of biscut and I must say that they are excellent and now I make them almost every Sunday with a little variance here and there that make them my biscuts now. Lol. The hardest thing for me to do to prepare these biscuts was to find a product called self rising flour. I can finally get it now and it has become something I use for so many different things. Blueberry muffins being one of my kids favorites.

So breakfast here usually consist of my homeade pancakes or waffles, Homeade Vero biscuts, Bob Evans sausage gravy, Eggs of course and at times I like to make a nice fruit salad or maybe fry up some potatoes.

If you like pancakes I will share my recipe and I hope you will try it. These pancakes are fluffy, and tender, they just melt in your mouth.


2 cups of unbleached white flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, White or Brown, @ teaspoons of Baking Powder and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Sift all dry ingredients together. In a 4 cup measuring cup or bowl mix together 2 cups of milk and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to create buttermilk, stir well, add 2 beaten eggs and 2 tablespoons of melted butter and then add liquid to dry mix and mix to moisten all ingredients but don't over mix. Leave it lumpy. I would also say that you shouldn't mix the wet and the dry until your griddle is heated and you are ready to start cooking the pancakes.

I usually cook my pancakes on a preheated 400 degree griddle that has been slightly oiled. I drop about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. As the first side cooks I like to maybe sprinkle the top side with  some blueberries and cinnamon, or chopped apples and cinnamon, or some sliced bananas. All work well with this batter. Our favorite though is banana and chocolate chips. For those I may add a teaspoon of vanilla to the batter. When the outsides of the pancakes are set and the tops have popped all the air bubbles I flip the cakes and let them cook for about another minute.  I like to keep the cooked pancakes warm in a 200 degree oven as I finish cooking the rest of the batch. The recipe will give you about 12 pancakes.  To really boost the presentation I may add just a dolope of raspberry jam with melted butter on top of each pancake when I serve them. And of course don't forget the syrup.

Well, enjoy your breakfast. And Please, come again.



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