Thursday, November 2, 2006

And This Week In Blog Land News

Yes, I haven't forgotten that my duties here in Blog Land is to provide the Blog Land news here in the Garden Circle. Hmmm, The blog Land Garden Circle News. Ok...

Well the week was off to a great start with the addition Of Teddybear to the group. A big welcome to you Teddybear and I am sure everyone is greatful that you enjoyed all the cakes provided for your enjoyment. Wow, everyone that posted a cake recipe, most excellent. I am sure we all gained a virtual 10 lbs enjoying the postings.

It seems that Halloween went well for everyone. No bad news came across the blog pages regarding any tragic Trick or Treating events. The best news of the evening was to hear that Putrid has retreated.

I see that many of the circle have found interest in the slideshow blogs. It sure does add a little something to make blogging more interesting. It seems that when ever I wanna play "Peek-A-Boo" now, all I have to do is watch Vero's slide show, lol.

Now for a more serious matter in the news. It seems that Misty has taken the role of the Snow Queen and has taken to suprise assaults of bombardments with virtual snow balls. All of blog land is getting a warning of whats to come as the chill of winter starts setting in.

It seems that everyone is already starting to get themselves into the holiday spirits. Many blogs are already showing Thanksgiving and Christmas themes.  Time is moving way to fast. I haven't even eaten all of my kids Halloween candy yet and I am already thinking about holiday goodies.Mainly the pies.

Ok, lets get this going some. JD and Cyn, seems like a wonderful match. I wonder what Cyn means by the things she is learning to get use to? JD, learn to put that toilet seat down. Oh yeah, stop wearing Cyn's cloths. Those green leotards aren't sold in the mens section at Walmart. I placed a call to Elvis and he confirmed this.

Vero, that grand daughter of yours is a good sport posing for those pictures you took of her. Seems that she may grow up to be a "Nut" too.

Dixie, you have to come up with a 10 step program for those addicted to Blog Land. Oh, thats right, for it to work one has to log into blog land. I guess thats what 360 is all about. We all just keep going in circles but always end up where we started from.

Vic didn't remember to do a Halloweenie blog. What's up with that? Seems that the little monster only had one thing on her mind and we all know what that was. Candy, candy, candy. It seemed that she was even slow at that cause if everyone had noticed, Dixie and JD were scarfing up all they could before Vic could make her rounds on Trick Or Treat night.

It seems that we have Royalty in Blog Land now with Gloggy being Lord Gloggy now. It seems that when ever someone shook their head at me and said "Lord" at me when I was a kid, it wasn't a good thing. It seems to me that as Lord Gloggy, a few changes may have to be met. A Coat of arms may need to be designed in the graghic department. The Shield Of Gloggy.

Have a good weekend everybody.


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