Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News

The Garden Circle Blog News


The first topic in the news is a definite comment on Judy’s postings for the week. I loved her posting on Senility. From there she goes to the gym on some torture device that is called an Abductor machine and tortures herself to extreme pain and needs medications to survive the pain she put herself through. I think the Senility will have her back torturing herself on the Abductor cater within the next week.


Dixie has been a Booger Picking Nut this week. I loved the picture Dixie. I agree that it was a whole lot classier than Mahvin sitting on the toilet.  I also enjoyed seeing The “Wild Ass” side of Dixie.  I thought Dixie was having a good time this week and then all of a sudden the mood shifted with the Turkey Day Blues. I have felt that way for almost 30 years Dixie. I live 10 miles from the in-laws and about 300 miles from my family. Guess where I have to spend every holiday?



I am sure I will get all the ladies mad at me over the Lip Postings this week. I think I would rather see feet. And I’m not a foot pervert either, lol.  I am just not a fan of big lips and never liked lipstick. Seems that for some reason whenever I see lips I get the image of the Winks Lips on MSN Messenger.



Buffy has posted that her Footings are poured and her foundation is on the way. I had to laugh when I saw the picture of the cat with its fur do. It reminded me of what I see in the morning when I first wake up.

I had to rush back in with an update. Right after I posted the evening edition it seems that Buffy posted a slide show with her completed foundatin. Wow, that was fast Buffy.


Well, I guess if any guys out there want to pretend to be photographers and get those ladies to let them take their pictures, Teddy has the proper paper work for you to use. Just visit his blog, copy and paste and you can look like a real professional. 


I loved Angie’s picture of an American Soldier asleep in a chair holding a little orphaned baby whose family were killed by insurgents. You’re right Angie, you don’t see many pictures like that or hear the stories behind them.



I got a kick when I visited Cyn’s page and saw that, yup, Wikipedia’s definition of a Pixie sure does describe Cyn to a “T”. I will have to start leaving out a bowl of milk for her visits.


Seems Jim was hit with a repeat tag this week. He came out firing both barrels with his answers for the questions. Seems like there is a new expression for “Flame On” now. I also see that Jim picked up a new female goat this week. I hope that he isn’t quarreling with the puppy. I can’t wait for the future pictures.


Vero posted 2 blogs this week concerning a football team and planes. I saw the second one regarding a plane crashing with 75 people aboard, including the football team. How sad. What a tragedy to hit a community and a state.

I had 5 of my best friends wiped out in a car crash as a teenager. They were drinking and driving.  My town was very small and the 5 boys were the ones that I grew up with. Hearing of an entire football team being killed in a plane crash revives those memories.


I was reading Vic’s blog and admiring her story of being a child and I came to the part of the lumpy gravy and I cracked up laughing. I remember my 3 older sisters decided many years ago to have a Thanksgiving meal.  None of them ever learned to cook. Well, my wife of about 1 year and I were invited. I remember the panic as my sisters reached the point in the meal preparations of which of them was going to make the gravy. Yes, panic struck. My wife, God bless her sole instead of volunteering to make the gravy, let my sisters know that I should make it. I could not believe that growing up in a family that survived on gravy, I had 3 sisters that didn’t have a clue.  I am sure that even now, my sisters take full advantage of the “Turkey In A Bag”.


I was missing in action for a few days this week. When I logged into 360 and entered my page I started itching my shins. I just couldn’t figure out what was bugging me till I noticed the fleas hopping about. Talk about an infestation. I got out the sprays and the flea traps and I’m hoping that they work. I scattered the Borax and ran the vacuum. I never had to deal with Royal Fleas before. If they don’t clear out I’m just going to turn off the heat and freeze them out.

Well, that's the News For Now. Good day and good night.








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