Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pregnant Turkey

My wife recieved a funny e-mail today and told me a story that I have to share with everybody because it is so funny.

A mother was visiting her daughter for Thanksgiving. Her daughter put a stuffed turkey into the oven and then had to run to the store for her mother needed something.. The mother having a sense of humor removed the turkey from the oven. She removed the stuffing and then placed a Cornish Game Hen into the Turkey and then packed the stuffing back in also. She placed the Turkey back into the oven. I am sure that this surely must have taken some careful planning, lol.

The time for the meal finally arrived and everyone was at the dinner table and the carving of the Turkey finally commenced. Eventually the Tiny bird inside the big bird was discovered. Geesh, a pregnant Turkey the mother explains to the daughter. The daughter is flabergasted and all upset.

Everyone carried on for some time regarding the pregnant Turkey. The daughter was in tears thinking her Thanksgiving meal had been ruined. The mother finally fessed up to her joke. You would think that would be the end of it after the laughter receded. BUT, it took several hours to convince the daughter that Turkeys lay eggs.

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