Thursday, November 9, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News



The Garden Circle Blog News


What a nice week in Blob Land this week. It started off kind of wacky with Cyn and Vic playing games with a Guinea hen mistaken for a Turkey.  Vic must have been awful hungry for she threw that whole bird on the barbeque getting ready to cook it up and the next thing you know, we have a flaming bird squawking around Blog Land with Vic chasing it and Cyn shooing it. I never heard what happened to that poor bird but am thinking that maybe Misty the Snow Queen and her crystal ball and astrological readings may have a few fresh bones for future fortune telling.


Mrs. Vero had a garden party this week. All kinds of tasty foods and desserts were had by all that attended. The only male that had his presence made public seemed to be in a comma. It has been reported that he was a bachelor. Well it would seem that a bachelor in a room full of women would have better things to do than fall asleep. That group of garden ladies had better get a garden ladies electrifying cattle prod for individuals like that or they will never get him married off.


The Day following The Garden party Vero had uninvited Blog Circle guest wanting to have a party of their own. And a great party it was too. We had ham sandwiches until Vero ran out of ham. She then thawed some leftover Turkey (may have been that Guinea Hen) from last Thanksgiving to keep the partiers happy. Apple cake, Doritos, and all the Pepsi products one could drink was on hand. Vero provided tours of her estate but never got around to showing anyone where the bathroom was. Theresa found a canister of sugar in the kitchen and the next thing you know she was doing the Hula to Huey Lewis. 

How did that song go? " And they called it puppy loooove" Lol, Jim. We even have pictures.


Judy took her Blog to the Final Frontier this week.  How appropriate for a 360 Blog. “To search out strange new places”. “To go where no Blog has gone before”.  It was great to see another Star Trek fan out there.


Sue Blogged that she started her Christmas shopping. She even added a new lens for her camera to her Christmas list so everyone should keep that in mind. I think everyone should post what they would like for Christmas this year and after Christmas we can review our notes.  We will see how good Santa Claus thought we all were.


Theresa’s Blog had that ugly alligator eyeball eyeing me most of the week.  I learned that alligator even taste like pork. That’s funny. Maybe that’s what put me in the Wiener schnitzel mood.  And that’s Wiener, not Weiner. Wiener has a “V” sound for the “W”. lol.


Cyn had to buy a new Camera this week. Buying a new camera sucks.  You get use to a camera. You have a nice editing program to work with and you know all the bells and whistles,  then you lose it or it breaks.

Getting a new camera means starting all over again from scratch. New programs, new bells and whistles.

Cyn’s Blog about folks on the Internet was great. I have seen so much in the gardening room with the games that people play with who they are. I have one that Cyn didn’t list. People that die. Fake death notices, fake eulogies, all the ladies crying and poems being posted in honor of the dearly departed. Besides the sick bastards that prey on children I think the people that fake their own death have a serious mental disorder. I don’t know what it is that makes some people do what they do.


That brings me to Vic’s Blog. I was glad to see her get around to posting one. Vic Blogged about ratings for people. She went into detail and gave herself a rating.  I need to say this. I have never been one to use a rating system for anyone. People in my opinion either have my respect or don’t and I only expect that of other towards myself.  So to all my 360 friends, you all provide me with laughs, sadness, good times, and silliness. I have fun, love the jokes, the education and the craziness. I have a great time and enjoy the camaraderie. I have respect for each of you for that reason.  I hope that my respect for you will mean more than some silly number.

I visited Shandies Blog and found out she has been enjoying a beautiful firework display. I am glad that she posted a picture.

Buffy is Blogging about the start of construction on her new home. It will be fun to view the pictures of the progress. I’m going just sit back and watch the pictures for a change. This will be the first for me because the only construction photos I ever see are the ones I take from my own sites. It will be interesting to watch as pictures of a project from another part of the country are posted.

I want to thank Angie for her Blog Regarding the "Love Of Thanksgiving" all children should grow up and have those loving family memories.


Dixie posted a Blog this week and I think it’s all part of her 10 step program regarding Internet Addiction Anonymous. I think Dixie is on her way to recovery and once she is cured she will guide the rest of us to a much more fulfilling Internet addiction. 

Before I call it a night can someone please tell Mahvin to close that bathroom door. 

Good day and good night 

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