Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pies Pies Pies

I love pie. I am addicted to pie. I am a pie aholic.  If someone gives me a slice of pie I will be their friend, lol.

I look foward to Thanksgiving just for the chance to eat pie. Usually most times of the year I only have the chance of eating 1 type of pie at a time but for Thanksgiving it's Pies Galore. Apple pies, Pumpkin Pies, Mincemeat Pie, Cherry pie, Custard pie, Blueberry pie and And my favorite Harvest pie which has a combination of almost all seasonal fruits.

I make a pretty good pie as far as the fillings are considered and my crust is nice and flaky but I am the first to admit that I make the mostest ugliest looking pies a person could lay an eye on. Oh, I've tried all the tricks like cold dough, and rolling it onto a rolling pin and using a glass type cold surface, using waxed paper, saran wrap and also that give it up and just use a frozen or premade crust. I leave the premade crust to my wife. I like my ugly pies. From the way they  disappear it seems that someone else seems to like them too.  I never mastered the finger fluting design on a pie crust. I just figure that if I am lucky enough to get the top crust over the pie in one piece it's a reason to celebrate and do the dance of a football player that just scored a touch down. 

So this Thanksgiving I am on a quest for pies. If I see a pie, I will eat it. If there is cool whip present I will eat that too. If of course a cheese cake or two manage to get in my way I will eat them too because If there is anything I love more than a pie it is cheese cake.  I will make a few Harvest pies, apple pies, pumpkin pies and mincemeat pies and share them, but will be on the look out for any pies out there beause the world can never have enough pie.




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